fundamentals You Have a Personal Software Process You probably haven't thought about it, and you almost certainly couldn't articulate it to another engineer.
curated-content Curated Content: February 2021 A few pieces of content I thought were worthwhile in the month of February.
management The Three Essential Feedback Types for Your Next 1:1 There are three critical kinds of feedback you ought to be using during your 1:1s. Evaluation, appreciation, and coaching.
fundamentals What are the Fundamentals? If you don't have fundamentals that you can describe, practice, and measure, how do you know if you're getting better?
developer-experience Improve Developer Experience with pre-commit Git offers a powerful tool in your arsenal with its hooks, but sharing hooks with your team is something that's painful at best. Enter pre-commit. It allows you and your team to setup and share the same set of git hooks regardless of language, and have them version
developer-experience asdf - Version Manager of the Future Any software engineer can benefit from working in multiple languages. asdf will help make managing the languages easy.
curated-content Curated Content: January 2021 A few pieces of content I thought were worthwhile in the month of January.
engineering-management Making Training Time Stick Recently I was asking some software engineering leaders about what they do for training for members of their team or organization. The answers wouldn't surprise most engineering leaders. Aside from many stating that their organizations don't offer any training, most called out the standard fare of
management You're Encouraging Your Team to Lie to You Not intentionally, but there's a good chance you're behaving in a way that encourages your team to lie to you.
programming Elixir Mocking Library Options There are many options in the Elixir ecosystem for mocking. There are a few that stand out in my mind as nicer than others. Especially Mimic and Hammox.
programming Pull request reviews: There is no alternative! A bit hyperbolic, but aside from pairing, it seems to me that there is still no alternative to a pull request review.
curated-content Curated Content: December 2020 A few pieces of content I thought were worthwhile in the month of December.
curated-content Curated Content: December 2018 A few pieces of content I found worthwhile in the month of December.
node.js Setting Up a Proper Logger in Sails.js I'm a big fan of the Node framework Sails.js. It's based on Express, but gives you all of the great features to help you be more productive that Rails developers love, and take for granted every day. However, I'm going to come right