Curated Content May 2022
A case study in early-stage startup execution
Wave has a number of folks that I admire for their technical abilities and leadership philosophies, and this post summarizes a lot of thoughts I have about working in a startup and executing. A worthwhile read that summarizes some key operating attitudes in a startup, and illustrates them with great stories from the ground.
Farewell, Big Data
Andrew Ng on how we need more organizations to make useful AI available with smaller datasets by explicitly targeting weaknesses in your model's data set and improving it.
Another month where I've been slowly making my way through books, but they've been lower on my list. I'm currently reading Imaginable by Jane McGonigal, and will likely give it a full recommendation, but I want to wrap it up to be able to give a full review.
Conference Talks
This month I didn't have any conference talks to watch in the pipeline, so I'm going to shamelessly plug my talk, Automated Browser Testing for LiveView Using Wallaby:
This talk is on using Wallaby, an Elixir wrapper around Chromedriver and Selenium webdriver, to power browser testing in an easy to use way.
On collaboration on teams and how to think about that with Woody Zuill, with a special emphasis on mob programming, though Woody isn't a hardliner about it.
If you've taken ANYTHING away from everything I've been saying for my entire career, it should be this.
— Charity Majors (@mipsytipsy) May 23, 2022
Tests do matter. Tests are super important! But you will quickly run into diminishing returns for additional effort spent pre-production.
A great thread from Charity Majors on the fact that you're making a tradeoff between testing before production and in production. Obviously in safety critical applications you want to optimize for testing earlier and rigorously, but you also want to do what you can to reduce the risk of testing in production as much as possible, because sometimes the trade to create that environment for a line of business application can be too high.